miércoles, 17 de julio de 2013

One tip for you

hey guys!! I want to start a very cool segment that probably is going to help you on many things like keeping your hair as you want or maybe get your skin prettier,  I do some of this tips and I can tell you that all I am going to writte work for me so with this I hope that it work for you as well.

So here it goes the first tip:

Makeup according to the color of your eyes
There are many ranges of colors to choose makeup, but definitely there are certain colors that combine in a better way according to the color of your eyes.
• With green eyes, you could use some colors like violet, purple, gray and metallic. Another proposal can be brown and bronze.

• With brown eyes is ideal treating related shades like brown, beige, bronze, and also with gold and copper.

• With honey-colored eyes, you could use the combination of navy and black.

• To provide a contrast to the blue eyes and make it stand out, you could use terracotta and brown colors.

with these tip you can make your makeup look natural and fresh, I hope you like it and  you can leave comments telling me what tips would you like me to write about. 

Maquillaje según el color de tus ojos
Hay muchas gamas de colores para elegir el maquillaje que vas a usar, pero definitivamente hay ciertos colores que combinan de una mejor manera de acuerdo al color que tengan tus ojos.
·         Con los ojos verdes  vendrían bien los colores violetas, morados, grises y metalizados. Otra propuesta con este tipo de color de ojos seria los colores tierra como el marrón y el bronce.
·         Con los ojos marrones es mas ideal tratar tonalidades afines tales marrón, beige, bronce, y también con dorados y cobrizos.
·         Con los ojos de color miel vendría bien la combinación entre azul marino y negro.

·         Para darle un contraste a los ojos azules y hacer que estos resalten más podrías utilizar los colores terracota y marrón.

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